Evolution Chapter 20 Discussion Questions
DQ 20.1 |
What has knowledge of genetics contributed to our understanding of evolution? (See also Chapter 1.)
DQ 20.2 |
What is meant by an adaptation? What evidence could be used to show that the following phenomena are adaptations?
In each case, suggest alternative nonadaptive explanations.
DQ 20.3 |
Many alleles that substantially increase lifespan have been discovered in model organisms. Why are such alleles surprising?
DQ 20.4 |
Male fitness is determined by competition between males for mates and by mating preferences of females. How can these be distinguished?
DQ 20.5 |
Describe three explanations for the evolution of female choice. How can these alternatives be tested?
DQ 20.6 |
What is the evidence that females can choose to mate with males that have “good genes”?