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Evolution Figures: Chapter 23

Click on the links below to view the figures.

FIGURE 23.1. Mutation rates per base vary between organisms (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.2. Evolution of mutation rate (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.3. Asexual populations (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.4. Mutator strains of E. coli (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.5. Sex in eukaryotes vs. bacteria and archaea (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.6. Examples of eukaryote life cycles (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.7. Cross-over must occur if chromosomes are to segregate at meiosis (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.8. Examples of asexual reproduction in eukaryotes (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.9. Asexual taxa confined to the tips of phylogenetic trees (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.10. Adult bdelloid rotifers of two species (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.11. When do sex and recombination alter the composition of a population? (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.12. Simple model of a population in a heterogeneous environment (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.13. Fluctuating selection favors recombination only under restrictive conditions (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.14. Populations of the freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.15. Effect of recombination on the variance in fitness (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.16. Distribution of fitness changes as a result of selection and recombination (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.17. E. coli showing no systematic positive or negative epistasis (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.18. Fisher–Muller argument (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.19. Hill–Robertson effect (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.20. Selection for reduced bristle number in Drosophila (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.21. Recombination selects for more efficient antibiotic resistance genes (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.22. Fitness of sexual and asexual populations (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.23. Domesticated species of mammal have a larger number of chiasmata (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.24. Recombination rates increase when populations are artificially selected (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.25. Deleterious mutations accumulate in asexual populations via Muller’s ratchet (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.26. Separate sexes evolve from an initially hermaphroditic population (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.27. Bright-colored male guppies and dull-colored females (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.28. Eukaryotic life cycles vary in time spent in haploid vs. diploid phases (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.30. Mating types may evolve via loss of function at each of two loci (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.32. Flower populations are polymorphic for left- and right-handed flower structures (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.33. Aquatic plant Eichornia paniculata is tristylous (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.34. Self-fertilization has evolved several times in Amsinckia (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.35. Extra-pair fertilizations (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.36. Dominance of wild-type alleles (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.37. Stentor coerulus can recover from gross disruption (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 23.38. Reduced levels of heat-shock protein Hsp90 cause abnormalities (jpg) (pdf)


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