Academic Societies and Conferences
Society for the Study of Evolution: Founded in 1946, by leading figures in the Evolutionary Synthesis; publishes the journal Evolution and holds annual meetings.
European Society for the Study of Evolution: Founded in 1987; publishes the Journal of Evolutionary Biology and holds biennial meetings.
American Society of Naturalists: Aims “to advance and to diffuse knowledge of organic evolution and other broad biological principles so as to enhance the conceptual unification of the biological sciences.” Its journal, The American Naturalist, was first published in 1867. Also holds annual meetings.
Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution: Aims to increase communication between the fields of evolution and molecular biology; sponsors an annual meeting, and publishes the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution.
Society of Systematic Biologists: Systematics is the study of biological diversity, focusing on understanding evolutionary relationships, especially development of methods for phylogenetic inference and biological classification. Holds an annual meeting and publishes Systematic Biology.
Genetics Society of America: The largest U.S. society devoted to genetics, includes a strong representation from evolutionary genetics. Publishes Genetics.
Genetics Society: Founded in 1919 by William Bateson as the first society devoted to genetics, including evolutionary aspects. Publishes Heredity.
International Society of Artificial Life: Promotes research and education relating to artificial life—the use of open-ended simulations to study evolution. Publishes Artificial Life and holds biennial meetings.
International Society for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation: Publishes Evolutionary Computation and Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines and holds an annual meeting (GECCO).
Human Behavior and Evolution Society: Founded in 1988 to promote the use of evolutionary theory to understand human nature. Publishes Evolution and Human Behavior.