Figure WN23.6 - (A) Two hsp82 sequences from within the sexual monogonont rotifer species Brachionus plicatilis.

Figure WN23.6 - (E)

Figure WN23.6. (A) Two hsp82 sequences from within the sexual monogonont rotifer species Brachionus plicatilis. (B) Two hsp82 sequences found within the asexual bdelloid rotifer M. quadricornifera. (C) In a sexual species (S), the two homologous copies of an allele remain similar, because they trace back to a common ancestor ~2Ne generations ago. However, in an asexual species, the two alleles remain as separate lineages, and so extreme divergence is expected between the two. (A–D denote different asexual species or individuals.) (D) Two-letter codes denote species (see A). D denotes a gene duplication event and S denotes a speciation event. Dotted lines denote divergent copies that were expected, but not detected in this 2000 study of David Mark Welch and Matthew Meselson. (E) In situ hybridization of the hsp82 sequences to the chromosome of P. roseola shows that they are present in four copies (red), as expected if there has been gene duplication. (A,B, Redrawn from Fig. 2 in Welch and Meselson 2000. C,D, Redrawn from Boxes 1a and 1c of Butlin 2002. E, Reprinted from Fig. 1B (upper right) of Welch et al. 2004a.)